Thursday, November 3, 2011

An Open Letter to God, Dear God, I know you know what is in our hearts. We are a good family. I am not sure why this latest challenge has come upon us. The third lay-off for Dan since 2008. How can anyone sustain these trials anymore? We have nothing left to weather this storm and I am beginning to wonder what's next? I try to remain as positive as I can but the uncertainty of the future and the additional burden it places upon me to find a way to sustain our existence is debilitating. What I am trying to understand is: WHY? Shouldn't good people receive rewards in this life? You know our hearts, you know the ways in which we have always strived to help others. You know how we treat everyone we meet and all those we come into contact with. You know how we watch over the children in our neighborhood making sure they are safe. You know how we always try to uplift others whenever and wherever we can. Please show me your plan! Please let me feel in my heart that we will thrive once again. These past few years have been filled with the most difficult challenges we have ever faced. We won't let it change who we are and how we behave. However, if we don't get a break it could eat us from within. Please hear me!

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